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  • Economic Development & Advocacy

  • The Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce addresses key local, regional and state-wide economic development issues in a variety of ways to ensure and advance a quality environment to conduct, sustain, grow and attract business. The committee that oversees this work is the Government Affairs Committee (GAC).  The committee meets the second Monday of the month at 7:30 a.m. at the Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce, 550 Central Avenue.

    The GAC monitors and tracks legislation and government-related issues on the municipal, state and federal levels. The committee makes formal recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding positions the Chamber should adopt in regard to various issues. Once recommendations are adopted, the committee assists the Chamber in promoting its positions.

    The GAC seeks to affect existing and proposed legislation and regulations to grow the economy of the greater Dover region and improve its business environment.  The committee provides access to government officials at the state, and municipal levels for Chamber members to easily express their concerns and priorities to the officials making decisions concerning members’ businesses.  The chamber seeks to be influential and respected among municipal, state, and federal officials.

    The GAC acts upon the Chamber’s economic development endeavors in the following ways;